Training course “Taking actions through counter and alternative narratives”
The Training Course “Taking actions through counter and alternative narratives – HATE SPEECH IS NOT AN OPTION!” was implemented and realized in Daruvar, Croatia from the 2nd till the 9th of February 2018.Youth Center “Perspektiva” was partner in this project. Perspektiva team was represented by Luis, Enit and Kriton.
The aim of the TC was to support development of capacities of partner organizations to counter hate speech in all its forms by supporting youth workers/leaders/trainers in development of skills and knowledge about counter and alternative narratives which will be used in their work with young people.
The project gathered 30 youth workers from Albania, Serbia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, UK, under the same roof in a very small and beautiful city in Croatia, in order to work over the media; by that trying to understand how and which kind of message one can get from information, and what is the real narrative behind that “clear information”.
But once obtaining knowledge-based useful tools, such as creating counter or/and alternative narratives to combat hate speech, young people can sustain more challenges in the time of “information wars”.